
Impact Webinar: How “Open" is open banking?

open banking


Hue Davies, Co-founder anf COO Ozone API

Kevin O’Leary, Senior Post-Doctoral researcher, FINTECHNEXT project at UCC, Ireland

Vaibhav Garg, Head of Business Strategy Open Financial Technologies


Prof Thankom Arun, University of Essex, UK

Sheri Markose, University of Essex, UK


Open Banking can disrupt and/or complement the extant retail banking with the Application Programming Interface (API) enabled technology that allows 3rd party developers to build APPs for more personalised financial services. This can enable widespread data sharing between firms. The webinar examines the challenges and opportunities this phenomenon entails.

Key Questions Answered:

Out of the many things discussed, some of the key questions answered range from the mere definition of what open banking essentially is to how disruptive it can be for the existing banking structures and how customers stand to benefit from it.

After watching this video, you will have the above questions answered and along with this, you will have developed an understanding of the following topics too-

Sustainability of the value created from open banking

The difficulty and cost associated with setting up APIs for banks

Main features of regulatory framework for open banking

Benefits for SMEs

To get answers, check out the full webinar recording on our youtube channel!